Rachel (chair), Rosanne, Sara, Alex, Andjelka, Claudia, Dragana
The group reviewed the slides for TVS presentation, to give everyone a chance for feedback:
- Add map of baseline v.0
- SFR - remove phrase "more than a microsurvey". Multiple microsurveys? Concerns about integrating this with obs strategy at a later stage; discuss after workshop but before the end of this year
- Overlap between metrics and figures of merit, concerned about duplication - MAF team attempting to help rationalize; concern about understaffing of this area of Rubin
- Give more space on slides
- Link to RN on template strategy
- Want (by end of year) 1-1 feedback on any metric that hasn't been integrated by end of year
- Replace end slides with links to metric packages
- Move metrics specific slides to summary talk and link
- Micro-survey/commissioning metrics point to earlier slide
Andjelka summarized the progress with preparing the joint session on AGN/SL/TVS.
The agenda has been agreed, with Claudia giving an invited talk among other speakers invited from the contributing SCs.
Dragana and Andjelka will co-chair the session. They will also take notes.