Federica (chair), Rachel, Massimo, Christoph, Claudia, Lovro, Sergey, Yiannis, Andjelka, Alex, Tomislav, Dragana, Markus, Michael
Fed indicated that some requests were received after the workshop to ensure that the materials presented (above) were shared on the website. She also noted that there was an email exchange after the workshop discussing the frameworks available for building TOM systems, which concluded with the suggestion of a joint workshop for this topic.
Fed felt that the workshop was very productive, and successfully involved representatives from the broker teams. Christoph noted that the Gather.Town audio issues prevented him (and others) from participating in the second day's proceedings.
Fed noted that she encouraged the breakout groups to take notes, which should be circulated.
Claudia joined the classification discussion on Day 2, and was contacted by Chien-Hsiu Lee from the ANTARES broker, who offered to demonstrate how to use ANTARES. Their team are very open to collaboration. Fed suggested that we engage the ANTARES team (and others) at future workshops to give demonstrations.
Rachel indicated that the technical issues with Gather.Town were due to restricted bandwidth on the free tier when we unexpectedly exceeded the maximum number of participants. We will avoid this in future.