Chair: Sara Bonito

Apologies: Rachel Street

Notes: Alex Razim

Agenda document with update from Rachel

  1. An update on metric packages. From Rachel on galactic survey package. Rachel implements recommended modifications on cadence metrics

To everyone: if you implement new packages, Lynne sent recommendations on integrations with MAF. Github, rubin_sim (instructions in the Live Notes 2021-10-25)

From Andjelka: SER-SAG adjasted metrics for new survey strategies (Euclid, etc). Plans to submit to MAF + .doc with instructionsFrom Ilaria: finished metric, plans to include crouding and trilegal(?) maps. Metrics to characterise variable stars(?)

From Igor: attempting to reach consensus on supernovi/kilonovi (plans on Nov 8 meeting)

  1. Presentation content for the mid-November meeting: topics should be gathered by Nov. 1 and sent to Zeljko.

Proposed topics during the AGN collaboration meeting, Excel file (

A proposal from Andjelka for about the meeting schedule (3 scientific groups, each group has 7+3 mins for presentation, then a panel for group representatives and liaison). Strong lensing, microlensing, AGN and TVS leads to contact to add some points. An opportunity to fit it into Session 4 on Nov 17Is it going to be a parallel session?

From Sara a question to add: info on microsurveys. Is it necessary to provide metrics for comissioning a project?

  1. Cadence notes to ApJ. Andjelka compiles the notes with updates and will post it on Slack for the community, time estimation before New YearIgor: one paper submitted already, another will be ready in few days. The first one is on serendipitous discovery of kilonovi and another on how TOs affect various science cases (?). News about new simulation tools to account for TOs in the baseline cadence (Peter).

My suggestions for SCOC are: