
Rachel (Chair), Sara Bonito, Ilaria Mesella, Andjelka, Maria Isabel Canerero Martin, Yiannis Tsapras



PCW Discussions

PCW meeting agenda can be found here:

Sara Bonito is coordinating one of three sessions at the PCW dedicated to survey strategy. Unfortunately, all of them are parallel sessions. Sara is organizing one on Thursday Aug 12th, for 1hr.

We are expecting some news from Zelijko and Lynne's presentations (in the earlier sessions) which will raise some questions for discussion, which is the highest priority for the 3rd session. So the agenda for that session is being kept necessarily flexible.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to take notes and monitor the Slack channel for questions during the session.

We are preparing a set of shared slides describing TVS work on survey strategy to date. The idea is to have this available as a reference during the meeting, and we will cover them during the meeting. Everyone who submitted a Cadence Note is requested to submit 1-2 slides.