Rachel (Chair), Rosanne Di Stefano, Igor Andreoni, Andjelka, Ilaria Musella, Marcella Marconi, Maria Carnerero Martin, Sara Bonito, Michael Coughlin
- Status updates for survey strategy papers in progress
- Planning for survey strategy discussions at the PCW
- Review process for survey strategy papers
- TVS Website for this Task Force
Status updates
- Rachel - Galactic Plane Footprint Paper: Draft in progress. Jupyter notebook investigation of footprint metric shared with MAF team. Combining this with timescale metrics to create more informative FoM
- Ilaria - working on a cadence note on variable stars in stellar systems, including updates to their Notebook. The metric produced is to be applied to the OpSims which have been provided to date. They are also evaluating the Fourier decompostion of the lightcurves as part of their contrniutuion to DP0 TF.
- Michael - Working with Igor on kilonovae and fast transients. Taking an example lightcurve and evaluating how well the survey would sample it. Supervising a summer student who is investigating the impact of various different changes to survey strategy that would improve the coverage. Most cadences turn out to measure the decay of the object on <1day timescales quite poorly. They need two measurements in 1 band plus one in another band. Even the rolling cadences perform poorly. Rosanne has been working on AGN lensing phenomena which occurs on similar timescales.
- Andjelka - shared a short presentation on AGN variability work that her team have also published in MNRAS. She explains: "for equal mass Supermassive binaries, we apply coupling formalism devised by Wang. It is demonstrated how coupled disk transfer functions by Cackett et al in different lsst filters alter driving source of single gaussian and sinusoid. The following steps will involve the Gaussian process curves, using these types of curves, we will try to expand on the task of continuum-continuum time lag measurements as pointed out in AGNSC Roadmap."
PCW Discussions
Sara Bonito is coordinating one of several sessions at the PCW dedicated to survey strategy.